As the Executive Producer of Barbara Kayee Lee’s documentary feature Sing My Song, I would like to cordially invite you to the FREE WORLD PREMIERE on October 9, 2024, at 7 pm in Toronto. RSVP now:
Filmmaker Barbara Kayee Lee began making her documentary in 2013 in search of a singer to sing the song she wrote and has embarked on an unexpected filmmaking journey, exploring why there hasn’t been a North American Asian popstar along with all the socio-political and cultural issues surrounding generations of API (Asian Pacific Islander) growing up in North America.

I came on board the project in 2018 helping Barbara raise funds from the now defunct non-profit platform Hatchfund. Sing My Song is a true and arduous journey of independent filmmaking; and I am thrilled that the feature is finally seeing the light of day.
Sing My Song streams globally on AAM.tv starting October 11, 2024.